Thursday, September 19, 2013

365 Days of Floral Education - Days 316 - 320

As part of our 125th Anniversary celebration at Stein Your Florist Co. we are sharing a year of floral education, November 1, 2012 thru October 31, 2013. Each day we will post something new on our Facebook page to share our knowledge of our favorite things, flowers and plants and we'll be updating our blog every 5 days or so. No need for pencils and notebooks, just sharing some simple lessons in floristry.

Day 316 - Much of the reason orchids are so widespread is thanks in part to humans' affinity for and desire to grow them. It is thought that the symmetry of the flower could have a lot to do with why people are so fond of orchids. An orchid has bilateral symmetry — like a human face — so if a line is drawn vertically down the middle of the flower, the two halves are mirror images of each other.

Day 317 - Orchids are masters of deception. Orchids deceive insects into pollinating them. The reproductive parts of many orchid flowers are shaped and colored to look like the kind of insect they hope to attract. Once the insect is interested, the orchid's pollen sticks to the bug until it flies off to find another orchid that it mistakes for a mate.

Day 318 - Pollen from an ancient orchid was found on the back of a bee encased in amber, as detailed in a 2007 study in the journal Nature. The fossil was dated to around 10 million or 15 million years ago, but it is suspected that the orchid family is far older. Some research even dates some species of orchid to around 120 million years ago, before the continents split into their current form.  Two species of orchids whose natural habitats are thousands of miles apart are actually closely related. Scientists think that the plants probably had a common ancestor before they were separated by continental drift.

Day 319 - Perhaps one of the most popular species of orchids, the "flat leafed" vanilla plant is also one of the most widespread. Horticulturalists all over Latin America cultivate the plant for its flavorful charms.

Day 320 - Researchers at the John Innes Center and the University of East Anglia, both located in Norwich in the United Kingdom, studied how petals and leaves grow in a type of small flowering plant called Arabidopsis. They discovered that concealed maps within the flower buds are made up of patterns of arrows that act as instructions for how each cell in the bud should grow. As such, the maps essentially influence a flower bud's cell polarity, or the functions of the cells. The study's findings not only shed light on why geranium petals are unlike rose petals, they also explain why an individual flower's petals and leaves are different shapes.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

365 Days of Floral Education - Days 311 - 315

As part of our 125th Anniversary celebration at Stein Your Florist Co. we are sharing a year of floral education, November 1, 2012 thru October 31, 2013. Each day we will post something new on our Facebook page to share our knowledge of our favorite things, flowers and plants and we'll be updating our blog every 5 days or so. No need for pencils and notebooks, just sharing some simple lessons in floristry.

Day 311 - The Sunflower is valuable from an economic, as well as from an ornamental point of view. Every part of the plant may be utilized for some economic purpose. The leaves form a cattle-food and the stems contain a fiber which may be used successfully in making paper. The seed is rich in oil, which is said to approach more nearly to olive oil than any other vegetable oil known and to be largely used as a substitute. In prewar days, Sunflower seed was sometimes grown in this country, especially on sewage farms, as an economical crop for pheasants, as well as poultry. The flowers contain a yellow dye.


Day 312 - It forms one of the well-known crops in Russia, Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Egypt, India, Manchuria and Japan. The average acre will produce about 50 bushels of merchantable seeds, and each bushel yields approximately 1 gallon of oil, for which there is a whole series of important uses. The oil is produced mainly in Russia, but to an increasing extent also in Roumania, Hungary, Bulgaria and Poland. In 1913 some 180,000 tons of oil were produced, practically all of which was consumed locally. The oil pressed from the seeds is of a citron yellow colour and a sweet taste and is considered equal to olive oil or almond oil for table use. The resulting oil-cake when warm pressed, yields a less valuable oil which is used largely for technical purposes, such as soap-making, candle-making and in the art of wool-dressing. As a drying oil for mixing paint, it is equal to linseed oil and is unrivalled as a lubricant.


Day 313 – Sunflowers, when the stalks are dry, are as hard as wood and make an excellent fire. Those who undertake to grow Sunflowers should, however, bear in mind that the ash obtained from the plants after the seed has been harvested is, owing to its richness in potash, a manure of considerable value, so that it is really wasteful to use up the dry stems merely on the domestic fire; it is of more advantage to make them up in heaps on the ground, burn them there and save the ash. The ash should either be spread at once or stored under cover; if left exposed to rain, the potash will be washed away and the ash rendered of little manurial value. It can be used with advantage for the potato or other root crop in the following year, being spread a little while before the crop is planted


Day 314 – Sunflower seeds have diuretic and expectorant properties and have been employed with success in the treatment of bronchial, laryngeal and pulmonary affections, coughs and colds, also in whooping cough. A tincture prepared from the seed with rectified spirit of wine is useful for intermittent fevers and ague, instead of quinine. It has been employed thus in Turkey and Persia, where quinine and arsenic have failed, being free from any of the inconveniences which often arise from giving large quantities of the other drugs.


Day 315 – The seeds of the large-seeded varieties of sunflowers are much liked by Russians and are sold in the streets. Big bowls of Sunflower seeds are to be seen in the restaurants of railway stations, for people to eat. Roasted in the same manner as coffee, they make an agreeable drink, and the seeds have been used in Portugal and Russia to make a wholesome and nutritious bread.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

365 Days of Floral Education - Days 306 - 310

As part of our 125th Anniversary celebration at Stein Your Florist Co. we are sharing a year of floral education, November 1, 2012 thru October 31, 2013. Each day we will post something new on our Facebook page to share our knowledge of our favorite things, flowers and plants and we'll be updating our blog every 5 days or so. No need for pencils and notebooks, just sharing some simple lessons in floristry.

Day 306 – Matthiola, commonly known at stock, is more than just pretty to look at and wonderful to smell. The flowers, leaves and seedpods are also edible. They may be eaten as a vegetable or used as a garnish, especially with sweet desserts. And when all else fails, they may be used as a famine food.


Day 307 – Zinnias are not only pretty, but edible too! Just rinse the flowers in cool water prior to use, check for bugs, and then remove the tasty petals. You may want to remove the seeds as well, but that’s optional. Check out this blog post with lots of fun zinnia recipes to try:


Day 308 - Liatris make a great cut flower, both fresh and dried.  To dry the flowers, harvest the spikes when one-half to two-thirds of the flowers are open.  Spikes can be air-dried by hanging them upside down in a protected spot for approximately three weeks, or by using a desiccant such as silica-gel or sand (which often leads to superior color preservation).

Day 309 – Liatris is also known by the name colic root, due to its historical medicinal use as an intestinal antispasmodic (reduces muscle spasms).


Day 310 – The exquisite Liatris symbolizes the meanings I Will Try Again, Happiness, Bliss, Enthusiasm and Satisfaction.

365 Days of Floral Education - Days 301 - 305

As part of our 125th Anniversary celebration at Stein Your Florist Co. we are sharing a year of floral education, November 1, 2012 thru October 31, 2013. Each day we will post something new on our Facebook page to share our knowledge of our favorite things, flowers and plants and we'll be updating our blog every 5 days or so. No need for pencils and notebooks, just sharing some simple lessons in floristry.

Day 301 - Do you wake up with dry tired eyes? Try a chrysanthemum tea. Chrysanthemum's help cure imbalances of the liver and kidney's causing the dry eyes. Chrysanthemum tea is a flower-based tisane made from chrysanthemum flowers prepared by steeping the flowers, usually dried in hot water, often with rock sugar added and occasionally also wolfberries. The resulting drink is transparent and ranges from pale to bright yellow in color, with a floral aroma.

Day 302 - Gardenia flowers may be eaten raw, pickled or preserved in honey. And indeed Gardenia blossoms are also used to make Jasmine tea. It seems a little like bait and switch but since the pallet doesn’t know the difference your Jasmine tea may be flavored with Jasmine or Gardenia. Gardenias have a light, sweet flavor.

Day 303 - Also known as the Black-Eyed Susan, the Rudbeckia has fiery yellow petals and a deep brown center—almost like a miniature sunflower. The black-eyed Susan was designated the state flower of Maryland in 1918. The Preakness Stakes in Baltimore, MD has been termed "The Run for the Black-Eyed Susans" because a blanket of chrysanthemums, decorated to look like black-eyed Susans, is traditionally placed around the winner's neck (actual black-eyed Susans are not in season during the Preakness). The black-eyed Susan which means “Justice” makes a very nice cut-flower with a vase life up to 10 days.


Day 304 - The roots but not seedheads of Black-Eyed Susans, Rudbeckia hirta can be used much like the related Echinacea. It is an astringent used as in a warm infusion as a wash for sores and swellings. The Native American tribe Ojibwa used it as a poultice for snake bites and to make an infusion for treating colds and worms in children. The plant is diuretic and was used by the Native American tribes Menominee and Potawatomi. Juice from the roots had been used as drops for earaches.


Day 305 – Matthiola, or stock flowers, have been used to make a dark blue or purple dyes. They have also been used medically as an infusion and when mixed with wine it has been used as an antidote for poisonous bites.

365 Days of Floral Education - Days 296 - 300

As part of our 125th Anniversary celebration at Stein Your Florist Co. we are sharing a year of floral education, November 1, 2012 thru October 31, 2013. Each day we will post something new on our Facebook page to share our knowledge of our favorite things, flowers and plants and we'll be updating our blog every 5 days or so. No need for pencils and notebooks, just sharing some simple lessons in floristry.

Day 296 – King protea are the largest single bloomed commercially available flower in the world. Proteas are usually shipped closed to protect the blooms, so be sure to hydrate them 3 to 4 days to reveal the massive 15cm to 25cm blooms. You read right, that's 6 to 10 inches! These beauties are not only stunning but also one of the longest lasting flowers on the market today.

Day 297 – Clematis is a genus within the buttercup family Ranunculaceae. Their garden hybrids have been popular among gardeners and their cut flowers look beautiful in fresh flower designs. The genus name is from Ancient Greek clématis, ("a climbing plant"). There are over two hundred and fifty species and cultivars, often named for their originators or particular characteristics. This variety of Clematis is called Dr. Rupple.

Day 298 - The entire genus of Clematis contain essential oils and compounds which are extremely irritating to the skin and mucous membranes and the compounds in clematis cause internal bleeding of the digestive tract if ingested in large amounts. Some varieties are essentially toxic. When pruning them, it's a good idea to wear gloves. Despite its toxicity, Native Americans used very small amounts of clematis as an effective treatment for migraine headaches and nervous disorders. It was also used as an effective treatment of skin infections. Leaf extracts from two Ethiopian are used locally to treat ear disorders and eczema. Phytochemical screening of the extracts from both of these species showed antibacterial and antifungal activity. This variety of Clematis is called Pinky.

Day 299 - Hibiscus flowers can be eaten, but the best way to use hibiscus is to make an infused tea. Just take ten or so flowers and soak them in hot water. Add lime for flavor and enjoy. Drinking it cold is just as delicious as hot, so for a nice summer day, put it on ice!

Day 300 - The millets are a group of highly variable small-seeded grasses, widely grown around the world as cereal crops or grains for both human food and fodder. In the US millet varieties are primarily grown as bird food. We begin seeing it at the flower shop late summer and into autumn, using it to add a lovely rustic touch to cut flower bouquets.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

365 Days of Floral Education - Days 291 - 295

As part of our 125th Anniversary celebration at Stein Your Florist Co. we are sharing a year of floral education, November 1, 2012 thru October 31, 2013. Each day we will post something new on our Facebook page to share our knowledge of our favorite things, flowers and plants and we'll be updating our blog every 5 days or so. No need for pencils and notebooks, just sharing some simple lessons in floristry.
Day 291 – Celosia is used as a treatment for intestinal worms (particularly tapeworm), blood diseases, mouth sores, eye problems. The seeds treat chest complaints and the flowers treat diarrhea. The leaves are used as dressings for boils and sores, and the boiled vegetables are said to be slightly diuretic.


Day 292 - Orchids have been used in traditional medicine in an effort to treat many diseases and ailments. They have been used as a source of herbal remedies in China since 2800 BC. Gastrodia elata is one of the three orchids listed in the earliest known Chinese Materia Medica. This variety of dendrobium orchid is called Galaxy.
Day 293 - The underground tubers of some terrestrial orchids are ground to a powder and used for cooking, such as in the hot beverage salep or in the Turkish frozen treat dondurma.  The dried leaves of some orchid varieties are used to flavor rum on Reunion Island. And some orchid species of the group Gastrodia produce potato-like tubers and were consumed as food by native peoples in Australia and can be successfully cultivated. This variety of dendrobium orchid is called Fuji.
Day 294 – Huckleberry grows as a shrub and is part of the heath family of plants. Huckleberries were traditionally an important part of the diet of many Native American tribes of North America, including the Crow tribe.
Day 295 – Lily grass lends itself well to a myriad of floral designs, whether in long blades or twisted and looped into contemporary designs. There are 2 widely used species:  Liriope, which was the name of Narcissus' mother and she was a fountain nymph, and Ophiopogon, which is from the Greek "ophis" (a snake) and "pogon" (a beard).

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

365 Days of Floral Education - Days 286 - 290

As part of our 125th Anniversary celebration at Stein Your Florist Co. we are sharing a year of floral education, November 1, 2012 thru October 31, 2013. Each day we will post something new on our Facebook page to share our knowledge of our favorite things, flowers and plants and we'll be updating our blog every 5 days or so. No need for pencils and notebooks, just sharing some simple lessons in floristry.

Day 286 - Asplenium nidus is an epiphytic species of fern, commonly referred to as bird’s nest fern. An epiphyte is a plant that grows upon another plant (such as a tree) non-parasitically or sometimes upon some other object (such as a building), derives its moisture and nutrients from the air, rain, and sometimes from debris accumulating around it. It’s fun and funky leaves lend well to tropical and contemporary designs.

Day 287 – Silky gold asclepias is a yellow form of Milkweed from South America. A garden must for attracting Monarch butterflies; Asclepias is the sole food source for Monarch caterpillars. Three-inch long clusters of golden-yellow summer flowers are displayed against yellow-green lance-shaped leaves. This well-behaved plant needs little attention and mixes beautifully with other tall perennials. Popular as a cut flower.

Day 288 - Heat up your floral arrangements and garden with ornamental peppers! Much like hot peppers you would grow in the veggie garden, ornamental peppers produce colorful little fruits that are round or pointed. But these are so attractive in their own right that they can be grown just for show -- not eating. The peppers are indeed edible, but usually their flavor is lacking compared to peppers grown for the table (we’ve tried them, they still have a kick!). Depending on the variety, the peppers appear in shades of white, green, purple, red, orange, and yellow -- often with multiple colors on the same plant. They like rich, well-drained soil that is evenly moist.

Day 289 - Celosia is a small genus of edible and ornamental plants in the amaranth family, Amaranthaceae. The generic name is derived from the Greek word κηλος (kelos), meaning "burned," and refers to the flame-like flower heads.

Day 290 – Hang eucalyptus in your shower, the steam will release beneficial oils. These oils not only work as an antiseptic, but they help to reduce stress, aid mental clarity, enhance your mood, are good for your respiratory health and are an anti-inflammatory.