Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Spring is Upon Us

By Jessi Rose - Stein Your Florist Co.

One of my favorite times of the year is finally here, Spring! I love Spring, for it brings us tons of beautiful flowers and gorgeous weather to enjoy them. With a warm breeze caressing the air and the sun in the sky, we can all spend more time outside in nature, before Summer’s hot temperatures drive us back indoors to our air conditioning. It is time to start forgetting the cold days of winter, and start warming up for Spring-time fun!

My most beloved Spring-time holiday is Easter, for all of the fun flowers that come with it. Lilies, daisies, azaleas, daffodils, chrysanthemums, tulips, and hyacinths… the list goes on and on. Though many of these flowers can be found at your local florist year round, they wait until the vernal days are upon us to being to show themselves in our backyards and public gardens. Their popularity peaks for Easter celebrations and we gather them from nature, bringing them into our homes. Centerpieces grace family dinner tables for holiday feasts and we decorate our houses with our favorites of these delicate blossoms to enhance Spring-time gatherings with loved ones. 

To extend the temporary beauty of Spring blooms I recommend starting a garden. While a cut flower’s life may be all too short, live plants growing and thriving will share their beauty much longer. Though this will require a bit more work than picking up a bunch of blooms from your local flower shop, the results will be lovely. One of my absolute favorite parts of Spring is seeing my garden come to life with white azaleas, red cosmos, pink begonia, yellow daffodils, purple hyacinths, orange gerbera daisies - a rainbow of blooms. There are endless possibilities when it comes to your personal garden, because you choose what flowers are grown. You can have an endless amount of flowers all through the season, and even through Summer. Take time to plan your garden well and you will be treated to lush blooms until the first frost.

Spring is a wonderful season when it comes to the beauty of the great outdoors. We watch Winter’s dreary trees transform into luscious verdant vegetation. Through the environment’s annual metamorphosis we are able to observe nature’s beauty as plants grow and blossom into the flowers we know and love. Before the, all too brief, days of Spring are taken over by the heat of Summer use this time to enjoy the floral bounty and the warm weather. Get outside as the sun glows longer, and the flowers grow bigger, and most of all just remember... to have a happy Spring!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Joy of Flowers

Flowers make the moment. They set the mood, set the tone, create an ambiance, accent décor, bring warmth, bring style, bring life, add vibrance, add fragrance, evoke joy, excite passions, provide comfort, and are perfect for every occasion and for no occasion at all. It was these qualities that helped us develop our company slogan:  “Flowers make the moment… Let us make a moment for you, at Stein Your Florist Co.” A moment enthralled with the joy of flowers is what we are all about.

We are so excited to have started our blog, The Enchanted Petal! To think, 125 years ago we delivered flowers by horse and buggy…  Back then the word “blog” was better served as an onamonapia for the buggy wheels over the city’s cobble stone streets. Everything was hand written, carbon paper was our copy machine, and there were almost as many papers around as there were flowers! Years passed, flowers flourished, and we finally had our first computer system. It consisted of big clunky monitors with buzzing black screens with bright green text. Coming from such primitive beginnings, we’re sure that our company founders, Abraham and Bertha Stein, couldn’t even dream of being able to share their love of flowers like this! From our website, to Facebook and Twitter, and finally this blog… It’s the closest we’ve come to giving a flower to everyone in the world.

We hope you enjoy this blog. We’ll be featuring the latest in floral trends, old traditions, tips, and designs. We’ll share new ways to incorporate flowers and plants into your home, your office, and your life. We’ll share our stories and the emotions of flowers, the latest happenings at our flower shops, and hundreds of beautiful and inspiring photos.

It was Beverly Nichols who said “To be overcome by the fragrance of flowers is a delectable form of defeat.” We couldn’t agree more. We are fortunate to be overcome by flowers every day; their scent, their beauty, even the simple feeling of their cool petals in our hands. It is the overwhelming joy that flowers and plants bring to us that we wish to share with you.

Welcome to The Enchanted Petal, a moment enthralled with the joy of flowers, by Stein Your Florist Co.