Rainbow Roses |
June is
National Rose Month, so to celebrate we wanted to share 30 (one for each day)
of our favorite original rose photos taken by us, Stein Your Florist Co.
Orange Roses |
Gold Strike Roses |
Pink Spray Roses |
Sterling Roses |
High and Yellow Roses |
Pink and White Garden Roses |
Freedom Rose |
We are
fortunate to be surrounded by roses, the world’s most popular flower, every day.
We import literally thousands of roses each week and tens of thousands during
the peak floral holidays of Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day.
Peach Roses |
Not only
are they popular, there are over 15,000 varieties of roses cultivated across
the world, including ones named for Barbara Streisand, Whoopi Goldberg, and
Rosie O'Donnell!
Priceless Roses
are valued for their romantic symbolism, but their blooms are also edible and
some have flavors like green apples and strawberries.
Black Magic Roses
Cool Water Roses |
Jennifer, Stein’s
self-appointed floral Goddess, has sampled more than a few rose petals… “some
taste dandelion greens, while others taste like you accidentally sprayed
perfume in your mouth. All make [her] throat itchy, even those grown organically.”
Charlotte Roses |
During the Victorian era ladies would serve rose petal sandwiches at their tea
parties and sometimes even use the petals or flower buds to flavor their teas.
Sweet Akito Roses |
France, rose syrup is extracted from the petals of roses and it is used to make
tasty treats such as rose scones and marshmallows. Our favorite use of rose
syrup is in cocktails, figures ;)
Twinkle Bride Roses |
hips, the fruit of the rose plant, are a wonderful source of vitamin C. They are
sometimes used to make jam, jelly or marmalade. Rose hip seed oil is used in
various skin and makeup products. And a particular variety of rose hips has
some medicinal uses too, especially in traditional Chinese medicine for stomach
problems. Rose hips are even under investigation for controlling cancer growth.
White Roses |
perfumes, made from the attar of roses (the oil extracted from the petals), smell
amazing and are one of our favorite scents. Who doesn’t want to smell like
Blue Rose Bouquet |
the flower shop, aside from the occasional petal tasting, we use our roses for
artistic and ornamental purposes. In our 125 years in the floral industry,
roses have always been our biggest seller. From a single stem for a first date
to dozens upon dozens filling vases in the honeymoon suite, roses are simply
perfect. Ancient symbols of love and beauty, roses lend themselves to an array
of floral design techniques.
Yellow Spray Roses |
A final florist tip: if you receive roses with thorns, leave them;
removing the thorns wounds the stem. The more wounds there are, the more likely
the flower's life will be shortened.
Blush Pink Rose |
"Barking" the stem ruins the
vessels that transport water up the stem to refresh the flower and creates an
opening through which bacteria can enter. If you must remove a thorn, it's best
to remove just a small piece of the pointy tip (and trust us, they can be very
pointy). So be careful of those thorns and enjoy the beauty of the rose.
Leonidas "Rootbeer" Roses |
Wild One Roses |
The world is a rose; smell it and
pass it to your friends. ~Persian Proverb
Advenire Roses |
Orange Spray Roses |
Green Tea Roses |
Classy Cezan |
Blue Bird Roses
Amnesia Roses
Red Intuition Roses |
Confetti Roses |