Day 126 - Sago Palms (Cycas revoluta), one of the most primitive living seed plants, are very unusual and popular ornamentals. A rugged trunk, topped with whorled feathery leaves has led to the common name "Sago Palm", however it is actually related to conifer and Ginko trees - all cone bearing plants which trace their origins back to the ancient flora of the early Mesozoic era. Often called "living fossils", Cycads have changed very little in the last 200 million years.

Day 127 - Dandelions, often thought of as pesky garden weeds, may be made into a delicious wine! We can hardly wait until spring, when this pretty little yellow flower will be everywhere and ripe for the picking!We found instructions for this intoxicating treat here: http://

Day 129 - Gardenia is a genus of 142 species of flowering plants in the coffee family. They symbolize a secret and untold love. Gardenia plants are prized for the strong sweet scent of their flowers.
Day 130 - Ginestra is a wonderfully fragrant flowering variety of Cytisus or "broom", of which white is the natural color. It is a nice accent flower that may be used in smaller arrangements or cascade elegant and dramatic bouquets. Ginestra makes a great tinted product and is available from Italy in a wide range of colors.
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