Day 301 - Do you wake
up with dry tired eyes? Try a chrysanthemum tea. Chrysanthemum's help cure
imbalances of the liver and kidney's causing the dry eyes. Chrysanthemum tea is a flower-based tisane made from
chrysanthemum flowers prepared by steeping the flowers, usually dried in hot
water, often with rock sugar added and occasionally also wolfberries. The
resulting drink is transparent and ranges from pale to bright yellow in color,
with a floral aroma.

Day 302 - Gardenia flowers may be eaten
raw, pickled or preserved in honey. And indeed Gardenia blossoms are also used
to make Jasmine tea. It seems a little like bait and switch but since the
pallet doesn’t know the difference your Jasmine tea may be flavored with
Jasmine or Gardenia. Gardenias have a light, sweet flavor.

Day 303 - Also known as the Black-Eyed Susan, the Rudbeckia has fiery yellow petals and a deep brown center—almost like a miniature sunflower. The black-eyed Susan was designated the state flower of Maryland in 1918. The Preakness Stakes in Baltimore, MD has been termed "The Run for the Black-Eyed Susans" because a blanket of chrysanthemums, decorated to look like black-eyed Susans, is traditionally placed around the winner's neck (actual black-eyed Susans are not in season during the Preakness). The black-eyed Susan which means “Justice” makes a very nice cut-flower with a vase life up to 10 days.
Day 304 - The roots but not seedheads of Black-Eyed Susans, Rudbeckia hirta can be used much like the related Echinacea. It is an astringent used as in a warm infusion as a wash for sores and swellings. The Native American tribe Ojibwa used it as a poultice for snake bites and to make an infusion for treating colds and worms in children. The plant is diuretic and was used by the Native American tribes Menominee and Potawatomi. Juice from the roots had been used as drops for earaches.
Day 305 – Matthiola, or stock flowers, have been used to make a dark blue or purple dyes. They have also been used medically as an infusion and when mixed with wine it has been used as an antidote for poisonous bites.