365 Days of Floral Education - Days 361 - 365
As part of our 125th Anniversary celebration
at Stein Your Florist Co. we are sharing a year of floral education, November
1, 2012 thru October 31, 2013. Each day we will post something new on our Facebook
page to share our knowledge of our favorite things, flowers and plants and
we'll be updating our blog every 5 days or so. No need for pencils and
notebooks, just sharing some simple lessons in floristry.
Day 361 – One
informal experiment has indicated that Cattails or Typha are able to remove arsenic from drinking water. The boiled
rootstocks have been used as a diuretic for increasing urination, or mashed to
make a jelly-like paste for sores, boils, wounds, burns, scabs, and smallpox
Day 362 – Cattail
seeds have a high linoleic acid content and can be used to feed cattle and
chickens. They are frequently
eaten by wetland mammals such as muskrats, which may also use them to construct
feeding platforms and dens. Birds use the seed hairs as nest lining.
Day 363 – The
outer portion of young Cattail plants can be peeled and the heart can be eaten
raw or boiled and eaten like asparagus. This food has been popular among the
Cossacks in Russia, and has been called "Cossack asparagus". The leaf
bases can be eaten raw or cooked, especially in late spring when they are young
and tender. In early summer the sheath can be removed from the developing green
flower spike, which can then be boiled and eaten like corn on the cob. In
mid-summer when the male flowers are mature, the pollen can be collected and
used as a flour supplement or thickener.

Day 364 – Davallia
fejeensis, fondly known as rabbit foot fern, is much easier to please as an
indoor fern than most other types of fern, which require high humidity. Elegant, lacy fronds create a lush mound of
evergreen foliage. The main attraction of this plant, however, are the furry
rhizomes that hang over the side of the container. These light-brown, creeping
rhizomes are covered with hairs that look like a rabbit's foot. It's a good
idea to put the plant in a hanging basket because they can grow up to 2’ long.
And because you want to show them off, don't you? Those furry rhizomes are more
than eye-catching, they take up moisture. Mist them every day, or as needed, with
tepid water to prevent them from drying out.
Day 365 – Floral
design or floral arts is the art of creating flower arrangements in
vases, bowls, baskets or other containers, or making bouquets and compositions from cut flowers, foliages, herbs, ornamental grasses and other plant materials. Often the terms
"floral design" and "floristry" are considered synonymous.
Florists are people who work with flowers and plants, generally at the retail level.
Thank you everyone for sharing this year of floral education
with us! We love flowers, plants and all aspects of our industry and we feel
fortunate to share that love with all of you for the last 126 years! Keep
following us, you haven’t seen anything yet!
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